![]() Young American Miss International and Young Miss International is a very unique opportunity for girls, young woman, and ladies of all ages to showcase their inner and outter beauty. Each contestant, state queen, country queen, or International queen are "true royalty" in their communities with all that they do. During each of their reigns they gain leadership skills by being involved in many type of volunteerism. YAMI & YMI are designed to help you become a leader and enhance your leadership skills while being a responsible and caring titleholder. We will show you how you can become more involved in your community while spreading awareness with your chosen platform. Each and every one of our queens "Aspires to Inspire" as many as possible in their community. You do not have to have any experience to start your journey with YAMI & YMI. Now it's your time to shine!
Are you ready to make your mark?
Sign up TODAY! Email for more information Find YOUR Age Group below to start your journey today!
AGE GROUPS ( As of June 1st) LITTLE MISS* 4-6YRS JUNIOR MISS* 7-9YRS JR TEEN * 10-12YRS PRE-TEEN MISS* 13-15YRS TEEN MISS* 16-18YRS MISS* 19-25YRS MS. * 26-45YRS MRS * 18-45YRS *Mrs is for: those married for any length of time with or without children* CLASSIC MS 46+YRS *Married, Un-Married, With or Without Children.* ![]() Sabrina Cadriel
International Director
Young American Miss International Young Miss International Baby Miss International
JUNE 20 - JUNE 22, 2025 KATY, TEXAS
Beautiful Custom Registered A/B Rhinestone Crown Satin Embroidered Queen Sash Custom Queen's Trophy Cup from A&J Trophies Official Queens earrings Crowning Shot from Marcus Photog International Finalist Stuffie Reigning Jewelry Party Gift(s) International Finalist bag Logo/Title Gear Queens gift(s) when reign is complete More prizes to be added through out the year! A Fabulous Years' reign as an Official Y.M.I or Y.A.M.I. Queen with many appearances and parades plus much more!! ”ASPIRE TO INSPIRE “
All photos and video of YAMI & YMI, production, sashes, crowns, or photos/video of reigning queens are the sole property of YAMI & YMI. YAMI & YMI is registered and trade marked with all rights reserved. Any use of photos or video without written permission from the owner of these systems is a direct infringement of copyrights of Young American Miss International and Young Miss International. |